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About Us

Zazi Foundation is a not-for-profit company (a Section 21 Company in South African law). Zazi Foundation employs the effecient use of Media and Technology for Social Impact.

Zazi Foundation is divided up into three functional units, each serving to fulfil the overall objective above. These are Zazi Health and Zazi Education.
Most notable of our projects are:

Zazi Health 

Partnering with Stanford University's TeachAids ( ) in using research based, animated culturally sensitive HIV/AIDS tutorial, Zazi Foundation is one of TeachAids's 10 African partners. These partners help in conducting HIV/AIDS workshops based on the TeachAids model. Also, Zazi Foundation gives feedback to Stanford University in order to enhance the tutorial. We currently creating an isiXhosa version of the tutorials. These are the tribal groups affected the most by HIV in South Africa. We have also been conducting regular HIV/Aids workshops with learners and Peer Educators from the Department of Education.

 Zazi Education

The book Steering by the Stars: Being Young in South Africa (ISBN:0624040968) by Dr. Mamphela Ramphele; Zazi Foundation with permission from Dr. Mamphela Ramphele is translating the book into African languages from English. We are currently translating the book into Xhosa, spoken by about 7 million South African citizens. Couple with this is our exciting programme Computers4Kids, here we teach young children from marginalised and rural communities on the use of computers from the age of 5 years old.


Zazi Foundation started out in 2007 as a voluntary organization. It was formed by  a multi disciplinary group of individuals. The founding directors are Lindikaya Ntshinga, Rithuli Orleyn and Phumelele Zonela ka Moti. 

After succesfully completing projects, a decision was made to incorporate Zazi Foundation as a Section 21 NPO. In 2008 Zazi Foundation partnered with Lindro Media to launch the Health Television Channel (health tv) through generous funding from the Western Cape Department of Health. This is a television channel built and maintained by Lindro Media with Zazi Health providing health information and health related content. 

In 2009 we introduced the Education and Heritage business units. See menu tabs for full details.

Feedback Interview After Conducting Zazi TeachAids Workshop 

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